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Vicolo Bonanni 34 – Ortigia
96100 Siracusa (SR)

At 7 kilometers of Krokos Ortigia

Eurialo Castle

The Eurialo Castle, located near the hamlet of Belvedere, represents the culmination of the fortification of the city of Syracuse.Wanted by Dionisio I, tyrant of Syracuse, it stands on the highest point (120 m above sea level) of the terrace of the Epipoli district about 7 km from Syracuse.

This imposing military work was built between 402 and 397 BC. with the aim of protecting the city from possible military operations of siege or attack. It underwent several changes also due to new warfare techniques such as the siege introduced by Demetrius I Poliorcetes in the siege of Rhodes in 305 BC.                      

You can’t miss visiting it…
Castello Eurialo
Dates from: 402 B.C.-397 B.C.

Contrada Eurialo – 96100 Syracuse